Come join us for our first workshop:
The Art of Nesting Creating the optimal environment for your newborn If you thought that the ‘nesting instinct’ was just about buying cute tiny clothes and outfitting a nursery, think again! The latest evidence-based research is placing a new importance on ‘nesting’, and it has nothing to do with what you buy and everything to do with you. Your skin, your body, your ability to learn baby cues, your milk, your attention and how you ‘attach’. Sound scary? Fear not! It turns out Mother Nature did an amazing job preparing you for the task of nurturing your baby. You are a remarkable nest. In this workshop you will learn about the innate infant instincts, mommy instincts, the importance of skin-to-skin, laid back breastfeeding, and baby body language. It is an exciting time to be having a baby! It is your time! Enjoy it to the fullest. It will be gone in the blink of an eye. Saturday, November 9th 10:30am - noon NextSpace Potrero Hill, 365 Vermont Street, San Francisco RSVP here on eventbrite. All mothers, dads and babies are welcome.

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